Pursuit of Excellence Class of 2020

The Pursuit of Excellence Class of 2020

The Pursuit of Excellence Class was established to recognize and honor outstanding young alumni for their contributions to the Gallogly College of Engineering and the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy, through engagement, investment, and advocacy. We are proud to present the third class!

Carolyn Arens
Williams  Project Reporting & Analytics Specialist
Carolyn Arens is originally from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma and earned her bachelor's degree in environmental engineering in 2015. Her best memories from OU happens every February—E-Week—with the excitement, magic, and mystery it brings.

Arens has served on the OU Young Engineering Alumni Board, is an LKOT alumnus, and participated in many recruiting events on behalf of Williams. She is a member of the OU President's Associates and contributes to LKOT, Engineering Diversity and Inclusion, Gallogly Hall and AIChE. She proudly shows her passion as a young alum by taking opportunities to speak to students and never passes up a chance to be on campus and pop into the Dean's Office for a visit.

In addition to her contributions to OU, Arens is a member of the Women's Energy Network and just started volunteering for Women in Recovery. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with friends, family, and seeing new places. She currently lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her dog, Scooter. She frequents local theater productions and enjoys hosting family and friends.

Pro Tip: "Giving back is something that I consider to be an opportunity to express gratitude. This looks like any combination of giving time, talents, and treasure to what I am passionate about. As a student, I was exposed first hand to the College's numerous outreach and scholarship options – as a professional, it is even more evident to me how influential these programs are to future engineers."

Kandro Brown
Toyota Motor North America  Product Engineer
Kandro Brown is originally from Norman, Oklahoma and earned his bachelor's degree in industrial and systems engineering in 2018. His fondest memory was the summer before his freshman year when he attended AT&T Summer Bridge.

Brown is a member of the OU Young Engineering Advisory Board and has plans to grow his engagement and board service with his sights set on the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Board. He is also a contributor to the OU Young Engineering Alumni Fund. "The university did so much for me even before I was a student—it just makes sense to pay it forward."

Brown is a member of the African American Collaboration (AAC) and TODOS Organization. He currently lives in Dallas, Texas and is engaged to Raina Coleman, fellow OU Engineering alum and OUYEA board member.

Pro Tip: "The amount doesn't have to be a large amount, whether it's a monetary value, time or anything in-between. Just give to a cause on campus that you care about."

Ashley Cardenas
The Boeing Company  Systems Engineer
Ashely Cardenas is originally from Midwest City, Oklahoma and earned her bachelor's degree in chemical engineering in 2010. Her fondest memories from her time at OU include Engineers' Club hamburger feeds and OU football games.

Cardenas was a member of the OU Women in Engineering Task Force and helped to launch the OU WiE program in 2016 and is a donor to the program. She is an alumni member of LKOT and gives her time to the OU Society of Women Engineers and the Boeing recruitment team. "I had such an enriching experience as a student at OU, I hope that current students can also feel that by the interactions they have with the alumni. I want to give back to something that gave so much to me!"

Cardenas is continuously looking for more opportunities to be plugged in as an alum and give back through mentorship with the engineering Diversity and Inclusion Program, and is hoping to join the Dean's Advisory Board on Diversity.

Cardenas lives in the Oklahoma City metro with her husband Noah, who is currently attending OU for his degrees in human relations and counseling. She serves her local church and enjoys spending her time working out.

Pro Tip: "It’s so easy and it doesn’t have to be elaborate! You can give back in so many ways! This can be through a monetary donation, volunteering in your spare time, mentoring a student, or simply just giving feedback to the college!"

Jacob Elliott
TBS Factoring Service  Manager of Business Intelligence and Analytics
Jacob Elliott is originally from Edmond, Oklahoma. He earned his bachelor's degree in 2010 and his master's in 2011, both in computer science. He also earned an MBA from OU in 2014. His fondest memories while at OU was almost getting arrested for decorating the Boyd House for President Boren's birthday.

Elliott serves as the chair for the Data Science and Analytics Advisory Board, the Gallogly College of Engineering Board of Visitors, and as a mentor to young entrepreneurs in the Price College of Business. "Faculty and staff of the University of Oklahoma have continued to support me both personally and professionally after graduation and I feel as though staying engaged is one way to repay that support."

Additionally, Elliott sits on the Board of Advisors for the Computer Science program at the University of Central Oklahoma. He is always looking for opportunities to meet and mentor young entrepreneurs.

Elliott lives in the Oklahoma City metro with his wife, Jessica Elliott, and two boys, James (5) and Nate (3), and their schnauzer mix, Dexter (9).

Pro-tip: Giving back to the University is not done so in support of the organization but in support of the people who make up that organization who have provided so much value to so many over the years."

Sydney Forsander
Husch Blackwell, Chicago  Summer Associate
University of Oklahoma  Legal Intern, Office of Technology Commercialization
Sydney Forsander is originally from Terlton, Oklahoma and earned her bachelor's degree in 2015 and her master's degree in 2017, both in electrical engineering. Her fondest memory from her time at OU was when her now-husband proposed. She was also grateful for the opportunity to study in Italy with the Gallogly College of Engineering and serve as a TA for the professional development course while completing a special studies course for her graduate degree.

Forsander serves as a part-time instructor for the Gallogly College of Engineering, mentor for the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and as a former corporate recruiter. Oftentimes she will visit with engineering students considering graduate school or a career in law. She is a donor to Electrical Engineering and Law. As a non-traditional transfer student, she values the network and resources that helped her to succeed. She enjoys the opportunity to give her time and energy to help provide those resources for today's engineering students. She has the goal one day to serve on the ECE Advisory Board and supporting student scholarships.

Forsander is also involved with her local Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program at the public library. She helps low-income individuals with free tax preparation and filing. She is a member of IEEE, president of OU Law Intellectual Property Society, member of the Organization for the Advancement of Women in Law, member of the OU Student Advisory Council, secretary of the Robin Ridge HOA, and member of Quail Springs United Methodist Church.

Forsander lives in Edmond, Oklahoma with her husband, and fellow OU alum, Russell. They have two dogs and a cat. 

Pro Tip: It's not always about hefty donations, current students LOVE hearing from alumni in the workforce, even those with relatively little experience. Giving of your time, and other resources are valuable and often a source of inspiration for current students. "

Cullen Hogan
Southwestern Energy  Senior Geophysicist
Cullen Hogan is originally from Bartlesville, Oklahoma and earned his bachelor's degree in 2011 in geophysics exploration and his master's in 2013 in geophysics. His fondest memory of his time at OU includes the lifelong friendships that were developed through hard days of fieldwork data collection and O'Connell's happy hours.

Hogan serves the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy in consortium research and as a mentor to students. He is a donor to Mewbourne College, Geosciences and OU President's Associates. "I received so much advice and help from OU alumni during my time as a student. I knew that someday I wanted to share that gift as well."

Hogan's goal is to help bring awareness of the geosciences to high school students. Outside of his service to OU, Hogan supports the Houston Food Bank and Houston Welcomes Refugees.

He is currently living in Houston, Texas where he enjoys jogging along the Heights trail, live music, and board game nights with friends. He will be getting married in June! He has three brothers, one in Austin and two in Oklahoma City.

Pro Tip: Giving back is a great way to stay connected and to continue building memories with the OU family."

Brianna Reyna
The Boeing Company  Systems Engineer
Brianna Reyna is originally from San Antonio, Texas and earned her bachelor's degree in 2015 in mechanical engineering. Her fondest memory from her time at OU was the first time she was able to be a part of the Alpha Phi Omega flag team at OU/Texas.

Reyna serves as a member of the OU Young Engineering Alumni Board, OU Big Event alumni volunteer, and corporate recruiter for Boeing. She is a member of the OU President's Associates and supports Gallogly Hall, OU Women in Engineering, OU Diversity and Inclusion and OU Giving Day. "Every time I am able to be back on campus, it feels like coming home. I want to give back to a community that has given me so much."

Reyna lives in Oklahoma City with her dog, Cash, and is also involved with the Quail Springs Baptist Church, where she performs with the worship team and serves as a service chair for one of the young adult groups. In her free time, she plays the guitar, piano, soccer, and spends time with friends and traveling. She also volunteers with the Oklahoma Regional Food Bank and City Rescue Mission. She is looking forward to one day serving as a member of the Deans Advisory Board on Diversity.

Pro tip: "We have a unique opportunity as young alumni to have an impact on the next generation of engineers. We were in their shoes not that long ago and we are able to offer them real-world advice and insight into how to be a successful young professional. I think it’s very important to take the time to help the next generation navigate through not only their professional career but also their personal development."

Strethen Townsend
BP  Senior Well Interventions Engineer
Strethen Townsend is originally from Houston, Texas and graduated in 2007 with his bachelor's degree in petroleum engineering. His best memory from his time at OU includes hours spent studying in Sarkeys tower and MEP mandatory study hall.

Townsend is a corporate recruiter for BP and contributes his experiences at OU to helping him become the person he is today. He takes advantage of any opportunity to return to campus and is a member of the OU Alumni Association. He is also a donor to the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy, and Engineering Diversity and Inclusion.

Townsend also serves the community through Literacy Now, Servants Basketball, and the Church Without Walls. He currently lives in Aberdeen, Scotland with his wife, Kesha (a fellow OU alum), and their 20-month-old son Emory. He also has a daughter, Xenia (8), who lives in Anchorage, Alaska.

Pro-tip: "Giving back allows you to be a part of something larger than yourself.  It reflects your inner being as true giving is done from the heart."

Kely Van Eaton
Tasman Global  Senior Consultant
Kely Van Eaton is originally from Holdenville, Oklahoma and earned his bachelor's degree in 2010 in industrial engineering. His fondest memories from his time at OU are lifelong friendships with classmates and mentors, not to mention the countless hours spent working with Campus Activities Council, Engineers' Club, Crimson Club, Perspective Student Services, Student Government, Phi Delta Theta and Camp Crimson.

As an alum, Van Eaton is actively involved with the OU LGBTQ Alumni Society, the alumni of Phi Delta Theta, and is a member of the OU Alumni Association. He is a donor to the University, Gallogly College of Engineering, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, LGBTQ Alumni Society, and Gender+Equality. He is grateful to OU for providing the opportunity to explore interesting topics and connect with all kinds of people. He would love the chance to teach an engineering project management or leadership class and share the insight into organizational change that he has learned through his time in the healthcare system.

Van Eaton is also involved with the Point Foundation, Human Rights Campaign, and the Project Management Institute. He also takes any opportunity to explore the world by living and working abroad. Currently, he is living in Belgium, with his cat Pippin, and is planning trips to the Middle East and Southeast Asia. He is the proud uncle to three nieces and nephews and godparent to another three kids, all under the age of seven.

Pro-tip: "When you return time or money to an organization that shares your same values, it is a two-way benefit. Giving back in an authentic way makes you feel like you are still leaving a legacy back home, even perhaps when you live far away from Oklahoma."

Ashley Zumwalt-Forbes
Black Mountain Metals - President and Co-Founder
Ashley Zumwalt-Forbes is originally from Choctaw, Oklahoma and earned her bachelor's degree in 2012 in petroleum engineering and 2019 in legal studies. Her fondest memories from her time at OU include living in close proximity to some of her best friends in the world.

Zumwalt-Forbes gives back to OU as a mentor to the OU Women in Engineering program, presenting at various speaking engagements, a contributor to the OUYEA blog, and as a member of the Alumni Association. She is an OU President's Associate and MCEE Trailblazer. Her goal is to be a more visible role model for young women wanting to pursue engineering as a career. She also has her sights set on strategically engaging with the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy or Gallogly College of Engineering. "I would love to be seen as a resource to programs at OU to share expertise, mentor students, and provide insight into my experiences."

Zumwalt-Forbes is also a proud member of the Society of Women Engineers and works with Planned Parenthood. She currently lives in the Dallas Fort Worth area with her husband, John Forbes. Together they have adopted a six-month-old rescue cat named Stevie Nicks. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, eating great food, and biking to the office.

Pro-tip: "Even if you aren't ready to join formal programs for mentorship and giving, you can always give back by volunteering your time to speak with students when they have questions about your career and generally being a good representative for the University and our engineering programs."


  1. As in the mentor s list we have inteligent people from Boeing and engineering,I request an exploration of NaBH4 can be done as package of hydrogen energy which can be applied with fuel cell for electric propelled planes ,this can be a game changer.


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